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When selecting Readings for a Divine Liturgy of the Faithful Departed At St. Louis Gonzaga Church, and OLD TESTAMENT READING and NEW TESTAMENT Reading are chosen. The following are a list of passages commonly used for this Sacred Worship Service.

St. Louis Gonzaga Readings

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Ordinarily, when selecting Readings for a Roman Catholic  Funeral Mass an OLD TESTAMENT and  NEW TESTAMENT READING are chosen. Usually, the Presider selects the Gospel Reading. If there is a SPECIAL READING it may replace the OLD TESTAMENT READING or be read as a Communion Meditation. The following are a list of passages commonly used at Funerals and Celebrations of Life.

Roman Readings

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Ordinarily, when selecting music for a Roman Catholic Funeral Mass, five (5) Songs are identified. If there is to be a Song played after the reception of Communion, as a Communion Meditation, a sixth song may be chosen. The following are a list of commonly used songs at Funerals. Although there are some parishes that have their own list of songs, most Roman Catholic Churches in our geographic area use the following musical selections.

As always, feel free to contact our office, (315) 724-6714, or [email protected] for assistance and/or to clarify any questions you may have.

Song Selection

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Acknowledgement Cards

Click here to downloadPrayer Card Options 1

Click here to downloadPrayer Card Options 2

Click here to downloadPrayer Card Verses 1

Click here to downloadPrayer Card Verses 2Click here to downloadPrayer Card Verses 3 (Children/Infants & Spanish)

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